I'm doing far better mentally as of late. On the last day of February, I decided I was finally fed up with the state of my life, and wished to start working harder to improve myself. I have been walking or jogging every day since then, and have started cooking more instead of eating so much processed food.
The most exciting thing is... late that evening, after I had finally accepted the fact that I would be lonely for quite a while yet...
a girl I had been talking to for a few weeks decided to tell me that she liked me, and the feeling is totally mutual :D
We had already been close friends for a while, and had been candid with each other about life stuff a lot. It makes it harder that she lives kinda far away (but still in the same country as me thank goodness) but I love her personality so much! We both care abt each other a lot and both have a really good feeling about this. Even if things don't work out the way we hope, both of us want to always be at the very least, best friends.
I think she is going to be one of the catalysts for me to work even harder to improve my life, because now I'm not only doing it for myself, but for her too :3
I genuinely haven't stopped smiling from that night. Even continued dreadful weather and an unfortunate life event haven't been enough to lower my mood. I've experienced more genuine happiness these last few days than the last... I don't know how many years, perhaps ever.
2025 will be my year. I'm sure of it now.